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Mar 19, 2020

Coronavirus Updates

Dear Wolfpack Community: Thank you for your hard work, patience, and resilience as we come together to deal with the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19). As you know, this situation continues to develop rapidly, and new directives and other actions are being shared by the CDC, the White House and Governor Cooper, and the UNC… 

Jan 31, 2020

State Budget Update

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: As you likely know, the North Carolina state budget that was proposed last year has not been enacted. As we enter February, I’d like to provide an update about how this affects NC State University. The proposed state budget includes key funding for critical and time-sensitive investments throughout the UNC System.… 

Jan 15, 2020

Welcome to the Spring Semester

Welcome to a new year and a new semester, Wolfpack! I hope that everyone had a wonderful and restful break and that you have made the most of our first days back. Our university made remarkable progress during 2019, and I am confident that we will achieve many more of our goals during 2020. This… 

Dec 2, 2019

Wrapping Up the Semester

Dear NC State Community: The end of the semester has arrived. As we welcome you back from Thanksgiving break filled with well-deserved rest and quality time with family and friends, I want to note what an exciting time of year it is for our university. It is hard to believe that we are now in the… 

Nov 13, 2019

Open Dialogue with Dignity and Respect

Dear NC State Community: As a public institution of higher learning, NC State sits in a unique position of opportunity and obligation with regard to social dialogue and free speech. There’s no better place for engaging, thought-provoking discussion than on a college campus, and freedom of thought and expression sit at the core of our university’s values.… 

Nov 4, 2019

Celebrating the Present, Planning for the Future

Dear NC State Community: November is always an exciting time of transition here on NC State’s campus. The beginning of the month means there are just five weeks left of classes in the fall semester, bringing students closer to the completion of their degree and graduation. It means fall sports will be winding down and the winter… 

Oct 14, 2019

Advancing a Diverse and Inclusive Wolfpack

Dear NC State Community: At NC State, we are a community of learners, innovators, creative entrepreneurs and big thinkers and doers abounding with passion and driven for purpose. Our courage fuels us to push beyond boundaries. Our bold ambition propels us forward to tackle the grand challenges of a complicated world. We are the Wolfpack. The strength… 

Sep 6, 2019

Welcome to Campus Wolfpack

Dear NC State Community: Welcome to the 2019 fall semester at NC State University. I hope you all enjoyed your summers and have begun to settle into the academic year. I can’t wait to see the great things you will think and do this year. To all the new student members of the Wolfpack, I would like… 

Aug 2, 2019

Supporting Partnerships Abroad and at Home

Dear NC State Community: This summer I had the pleasure of traveling to Europe and around North Carolina and witnessed the wonderful work that NC State students, faculty, and researchers are conducting. During my stop at the University College Cork in Ireland, I met with NC State students participating in a civil engineering study abroad program and saw… 

May 15, 2019

Summer Reflection

Dear NC State Community: I am so proud of all the work you have done this 2019 spring semester. With summer just beginning, I want to take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished in recent weeks. Congratulations again to all the students who graduated in May. I would like to thank you…