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Welcome to Campus Wolfpack

Dear NC State Community:

Welcome to the 2019 fall semester at NC State University. I hope you all enjoyed your summers and have begun to settle into the academic year. I can’t wait to see the great things you will think and do this year.

To all the new student members of the Wolfpack, I would like to extend a warm welcome. NC State offers countless opportunities to grow personally, professionally, and academically, and I hope you will take advantage of these opportunities and make your mark on the community. Start by going to class, studying diligently, engaging in research and community service, and joining some of the 700+ student organizations on campus. You all have the potential to change our community, state, and world for the better, and I look forward to witnessing the incredible things you will accomplish during your time here.

To the faculty and staff, both new and returning, I wish you a happy and productive fall. Every year I am more and more impressed by your intellect, innovation, and passion for your work. NC State could not provide the stellar education and results that it does without you. I am excited to learn about your ongoing projects and look forward to working with you. I hope that you are ready and excited to start the new academic year.

I also want to thank our faculty and staff for all of their efforts to prepare for the academic year during the summer. In addition to upgrading paint, flooring, and finishes in many residence hall spaces, members of our team have been focused on shepherding other larger projects, including the completed renovation of the academic advising space in Holmes Hall and renovation of student counseling spaces in the Student Health Center. Our facilities staff have been hard at work on renovations to the Wellness and Recreation Center Addition at Carmichael and the Academic Success Center in DH Hill Library and will continue these projects throughout the year.

Following Packapalooza, which I hope you all had the chance to enjoy, a construction fence was built around the Belltower so that we could begin a major restoration and completion project. When it reopens in spring of 2021, the Memorial Belltower at Henry Square will have real bells, a carillon and a stronger foundation. In the meantime, we are working on making changes that will allow us to light the Technology Tower at Talley on holidays that honor our veterans and to celebrate NC State’s achievements.

I hope you will keep in mind during the academic year that we are all here to learn, discover our talents, make a positive impact in the lives of those around us, and build a better future. I have no doubt that we will have a successful fall semester and academic year.


Randy Woodson