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North Carolina House Bill 2

Many members of our NC State community are understandably concerned about how House Bill 2, passed by the North Carolina Legislature and signed into law by the Governor Wednesday night, could impact individuals at NC State. There are also questions about how the new law affects our university’s strong nondiscrimination policy.

The UNC System General Administration is conducting a careful review and analysis of the legislation to determine potential impacts on system campuses, including NC State. We hope to have more clarity in the coming days.

In the meantime, I want to reiterate our deep commitment to welcoming and supporting all people at NC State, regardless of age, color, disability, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status. We strive to ensure that our environment supports and encourages the free and open exchange of ideas and opinions, while also ensuring that all members of our community are treated with dignity and respect.

We will of course follow federal and state laws, and at the same time we will also work to promote respect and inclusiveness for all people on our campus, and to accommodate the needs of all in our university community.

NC State is a diverse place. We all come from different backgrounds. We all have and share different ideas. And we do that in respectful, supportive ways. That’s one of NC State’s greatest strengths. We will continue, as a community, working hard to ensure that this is a place where all students, faculty and staff feel safe, are supported and can be successful.

Randy Woodson